Study a foreign language with idiomatic expressions to reach a new level of communication!
Jane will be like a dog with two tails if she gets into dancing school with her sister
Too many car-crash are caused by hit-and-run drivers
Since she was a teen Helene has always been a bleeding heart
Grit gives people a mental toughness that enables them to prevail against all the odds
Bill is a driven engineer; he always wants to achieve the best projects
Since I was well, I blew off my appointment with the doctor
You always know what's going on, you're always on the ball!
Come on, John, we need your ideas and expertise on this project. Get in the game and let's make it a success!
Henry Ford: "When I see an Alfa Romeo, I doff my hat."
The camaraderie among the team helps them work together on the pitch
In class today we discussed how double standards exist for men and women
Your cousin was really kind, indeed he kicked us all in the teeth